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Atlantis Word Processor
TipSelecting the "File | New" menu displays the list of supported file formats in Atlantis. Click your choice of document type and Atlantis will create the appropriate new document. Click for details...
Line numbers

In Atlantis, line numbers can be added to a document. This is useful when you need to refer to specific lines of a document. There are quite many types of documents that might require line numbers - legal documents, scripts, interviews, etc.

When enabled, the line numbers are displayed to the left of each line on a page:

Line numbers

Note that line numbers are displayed only under the Print Layout view. Atlantis also does not display line numbers for text in tables, footnotes/endnotes, and headers/footers.

To enable line numbers, choose the "File | Page Settings..." menu command, or click the corresponding button Button image of the File toolbar The 'File' toolbar . Then on the "Layout" tab of the "Page Settings" dialog, click the "Line Numbers..." button:

The 'Line Numbers' button of the 'Page Settings' dialog

This would display the "Line Numbers" dialog:

The 'Line Numbers' dialog

In this dialog you can choose:

  • The number at which you want to begin the numbering.
  • The distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document text. The "Auto" distance is 0.25" (for newspaper columns: 0.13").
  • The line number increments to be displayed in the document. Although each line has an associated line number, only lines which are an even multiple of "Count by" will display their number. For example, if you choose "Count by: 5", only the line numbers that are a multiple of 5 will be displayed:

    Count line numbers by
  • The scheme you want to use for line numbering. Atlantis can restart line numbering each page or each section, or use continuous numbering throughout the document.

The line numbering can be configured for each document section individually. Use the "Apply to" box of the "Page Settings" dialog to specify where to apply new settings to:

The 'Apply to' box

The line numbers can also be configured for individual document sections through the Sections panel of the Control Board:

The 'Line numbers' category of the 'Sections' panel

You can exclude certain paragraphs from line numbering. To do so, select the paragraphs that should not have line numbers, choose the "Format | Paragraph..." menu command, or click the corresponding button Button image of the Paragraph toolbar The 'Paragraph' toolbar . Then on the "Line & Page Breaks" tab of the "Paragraph Format" dialog, check the "Suppress line numbers" box:

Suppress line numbers

See also...