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Atlantis Word Processor
TipCtrl+Alt+Left Arrow reduces inter-character spacing within a selection (compresses text).
Split view

At times you might need to view two different parts of a document at the same time. By choosing the "View | Split" menu command, or clicking the Split Button image button of the View toolbar The 'View' toolbar , you can split the document window into two parts (panes) either horizontally or vertically. Each pane can display a different part of the document:

Panes of a split window

Splitting the document window is useful when you want to copy/paste text from one location of the document to another, or when you need to refer to one part of the document while working in another part.

You can resize the panes by dragging the dividing line with the mouse:

Resizing panes of a split window

You can specify a different zoom and view mode for each pane. You can also select different document fragments in each pane.

Only one pane is active at a time. To switch to the currently inactive pane, simply click it. Alternatively, you can assign a hot key to the corresponding command in the "Tools | Customize | Hot Keys..." dialog:

Assigning a hot key to the 'Switch to inactive pane' command

When the Split mode is on for the active document, Atlantis displays the corresponding context toolbar:

The 'Split' context toolbar

The table below explains the commands of the "Split" toolbar:

Command Icon Description
Swap panes Button image Swaps the panes of a split window. With a vertical split, the right pane becomes the left pane, and vice versa; with a horizontal split, the top pane becomes the bottom pane, and vice versa.
Split settings Button image Displays a menu with settings of the Split mode:
The split settings
By clicking the "Split Horizontally" or "Split Vertically" commands of the menu, you can switch to the vertical or horizontal split correspondingly.

When the "Dim Inactive Pane" option is checked, the inactive pane displays in less bright colors:
Panes of a split window
If you check the "Follow Hyperlinks into Next Pane" option, clicking bookmark hyperlinks and other local references linked to locations within same document (footnote references, page references, etc) would display referenced locations in currently inactive pane:
Following hyperlinks into next pane
Close split Button image Toggles the Split mode off.

Alternatively, to toggle the Split mode off, you can choose the "View | Split" menu command, or double-click the dividing line between the panes.


  • You can use drag & drop to copy or move document fragments from one pane of a split window to another.

See also...