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Atlantis Word Processor
TipYou can convert multiple documents to a different format with the Batch conversion tool.
View documents "side by side"

Atlantis has a special feature that will come in handy when you are working on two different versions of the same document (for example, on two versions of a document created by the Backup Files of Atlantis), or on the translation of a document. This feature will be also helpful when you have multiple documents open in Atlantis, and you want to work on two of the open documents without closing the other open documents.

This special feature is called "View side by side". It can be accessed through the "View" menu in Atlantis. Depending on how many documents are currently open in Atlantis, the caption of this command under the "View" menu can be different. When you have only two open documents in Atlantis (for example, "Doc01.rtf" and "Doc02.rtf"), the caption of this command would look in the following way:

The 'View side by side' menu command

In our above example, clicking this menu command would show the active document "Doc01.rtf" and "Doc02.rtf" in the "View side by Side" mode.

When more than two documents are open in Atlantis, the caption of this command looks in this way:

The 'View side by side' menu command

Clicking this command brings up a dialog where you can choose which other document you want displayed side by side with the currently active document.

The "View side by side' command is also available through the View toolbar The 'View' toolbar :

The 'View side by side' toolbar button

So when you use the "View Side By Side" menu command, Atlantis tiles two selected documents (one of them is always the currently active document) vertically or horizontally (displays them "side by side"):

Two documents displayed side by side

When two documents are displayed "side by side" (ie when the "View side by side" mode is on), Atlantis displays the "View Side by Side" context toolbar:

The 'View side by side' context toolbar

The following table lists all the commands of this toolbar:

Command Button Description
Restore side by side Button image At times you might need to switch focus to other documents even when you have configured a "side by side" display of two specific documents. In such cases, the previous "side by side" display can easily be restored by pressing this "Restore side by side" button. The size, position, and zoom of both documents are restored.
Synchronized scrolling Button image When this button is checked, both documents are scrolled in synchrony so that matching portions of the documents are displayed. Also both documents share the same zooming factor. Changing the zooming factor for one document automatically changes the zooming factor for the other document.

The "Synchronized scrolling" can be used in 2 different ways:
  • You can open 2 documents in the "View side by side" mode and switch "Synchronized scrolling" on if it is initially off. The second document will automatically be scrolled to the location corresponding to the current location in the first document. When you scroll one document, the other document will automatically be scrolled by the same amount, from top to bottom, with matching line numbers.
  • You can also open 2 documents in the "View side by side" mode first, then switch "Synchronized scrolling" off if it is initially on. Each document can then be scrolled independently. When you are satisfied that the 2 documents face one another at the appropriate location, you can switch "Synchronized scrolling" back on. Again, when you scroll one document, the other document will still be scrolled by the same amount. But the 2 documents might display a different line or page number in either view. In other words, the "Synchronized scrolling" of Atlantis can be customized so that scrolling can start when the 2 documents face one another at different levels.
Tile horizontally Button image When this button is checked, Atlantis tiles documents horizontally.
Tile vertically Button image When this button is checked, Atlantis tiles documents vertically.
Swap windows Button image Swaps document windows so that the leftmost/topmost window becomes the rightmost/bottommost window, and the rightmost/bottommost window becomes the leftmost/topmost window.
Close Side by Side Button image Returns Atlantis to the normal view mode. The pre-"side-by-side" size, position, and zoom of both documents get restored. Also the zoom and orientation used under the "side by side" mode are automatically memorized by Atlantis, and suggested the next time you display documents "side by side".

See also...