The Styles panel displays with a click on the corresponding button at the top of the Control Board.
This panel allows to organize styles of the active document. It also can be used for applying styles to the document paragraphs.
The Styles panel can display document styles as a hierarchical tree or a list:
When styles are displayed as a tree, you can used Drag & Drop in the Styles panel to change the base style for the desired style. Just capture the desired style with the mouse, drag it to the style which should be come the base style for the captured style, then release the mouse.
As you navigate through the document window with the keyboard or mouse, the current paragraph style is automatically highlighted in the Styles box. Double-clicking a style name in the Styles box automatically applies the style to the current document paragraph or selection.
When the Popup descriptions box is checked at the bottom of the Styles panel, holding the mouse pointer over a style name displays the style properties as a screen tip:
The toolbar at the bottom of the Styles panel includes the following commands:
Command | Button | Description |
New style | ![]() |
Displays a dialog allowing to specify the characteristics of a new style. |
Modify style | ![]() |
Displays a dialog allowing to adjust any characteristic of the style highlighted in the Styles panel (including its name). After you complete modifying the style, Atlantis checks which characteristics of this style were changed, and updates correspondingly the document paragraphs associated with the modified style. Note that you cannot change the name of a number of styles ("Normal", "Heading 1" through "Heading 9", "Header", etc). The "Heading 1" through "Heading 9" also have a permanent Outline level that cannot be changed. Also you cannot specify the base style for the "Normal" style because this style never has a base style. |
Delete style | ![]() |
Deletes the highlighted style from the document. If the highlighted style has derivative styles that are based on this style, Atlantis suggests to delete the highlighted style alone, or with all its derivatives. If you choose to delete the highlighted style alone, the base style of the highlighted style would become the base style of the styles based on the highlighted style. After you delete a style, Atlantis applies another style to all the document paragraphs which were associated with the removed style. If the removed style had the base style, Atlantis applies this base style to these paragraphs. Otherwise Atlantis formats them with the "Normal" style. Note that the "Normal" style is contained by every Atlantis document, and it cannot be deleted. |
Update highlighted style to match document selection | ![]() |
Retrieves the font format, paragraph format, tab positions, and list format of the document selection, and loads them to the style highlighted in the Styles panel. After this all the document paragraphs associated with this style (or with any other style based on it) are reformatted correspondingly. |
Import styles | ![]() |
Displays a dialog allowing to import styles from other documents or document templates to the active document. You can import multiple styles at once. You can also override styles existing in the active document with the styles with the identical names from other documents. |
Apply style to document selection | ![]() |
Associates the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs in the document with the style highlighted in the Styles panel. Equivalent to double-clicking a style in the Styles panel. |
Select paragraphs associated with highlighted style | ![]() |
Selects all the document paragraphs currently associated with the style highlighted in the Styles panel. When all the associated paragraphs are selected in such a way, you can:
See also...