A paragraph format includes the following characteristics:
Controls how the text is positioned within a paragraph line (the left and right sides of the paragraph (the paragraph edges) are marked on the following images with the vertical red lines):
Left - the text is aligned to the left edge of the paragraph:
Centered - the text is centered horizontally between the paragraph edges:
Right - the text is aligned to the right edge of the paragraph:
Justified - the text of all the paragraph lines (except the last one) is expanded to fill the whole width of the paragraph.
The last line of the paragraph is aligned to the left:
You can use the following hot keys and toolbar buttons to apply different alignments to the selected paragraphs:
Alignment | Hot key | Toolbar button |
Left | CtrlL | |
Right | CtrlR | |
Centered | CtrlE | |
Justified | CtrlJ |
In Atlantis any paragraph is either a heading or a body text paragraph. Headings can be of 9 levels. The "Outline level" characteristic of a paragraph format indicates whether the paragraph is a body text paragraph (not a heading) or a heading of any of 9 levels. This information is used by the Headings panel of the Control Board for displaying the document structure.
Defines the distance between the left page margin and the left edge of the paragraph:
You can quickly increase the ieft indent for the selected paragraphs (to indent paragraph lines) by clicking the Increase left indent toolbar button, or pressing CtrlM.
The reverse operation - decrease left indent - can be performed either by clicking the toolbar button, or by pressing CtrlShiftM.
You can also change the left indent for the selected paragraphs through the horizontal ruler.
Defines the distance between the right page margin and the right edge of the paragraph:
You can change the right indent for the selected paragraphs through the horizontal ruler.
Defines the position of the left edge of the first paragraph line relatively the rest lines of this paragraph:
None - the first line is indented in the same way as the rest lines of this paragraph (the left indent area of the first line is displayed with red color on the following picture, the left indent area of the whole paragraph - with aqua color):
Indent - the first line is indented by the specified value relatively to the left edge of the rest lines of the paragraph (the first line indent is displayed with red color on the following picture, the left indent area of the whole paragraph - with aqua color):
Outdent - the first line is indented by the left indent of the paragraph; the rest lines are indented by the specified value relatively to the left edge of the first line of the paragraph (the first line outdent is displayed with red color on the following picture, the left indent area of the whole paragraph - with aqua color):
You can outdent the first lines of the selected paragraphs by pressing CtrlT.
To outdent the first lines of the selected paragraphs, press CtrlShiftT.
You can also change the first line indent / outdent for the selected paragraphs through the horizontal ruler.
Adds extra space above the first line of the paragraph amd below the last line.
On the following picture the space before area is displayed with yellow color, the space after area - with aqua color:
You can quickly add or remove additional space before a selection of paragraphs by pressing Ctrl0.
To add or remove additional space after a selection of paragraphs, press CtrlShift0.
To add or remove additional space both before and after a selection of paragraphs, press AltShift0.
When the Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style option is enabled for two neighboring paragraphs, spacing between them is suppressed if both paragraphs belong to the same paragraph style.
Controls the height of each line of the paragraph:
You can use the following hot keys and toolbar buttons to apply different line spacings to the selected paragraphs:
Line spacing | Hot key | Toolbar button |
Single | Ctrl1 | |
1.5 lines | Ctrl5 | |
Double | Ctrl2 |
If this attribute is set, Atlantis attempts to place this paragraph and the following paragraph onto the same page.
If this attribute is set, Atlantis attempts to place all the lines of this paragraph on the same page (Atlantis attempts to not break this paragraph).
If this attribute is set, Atlantis places the paragraph at the top of a new page.
If this attribute is set, Atlantis attempts to keep a single line at the beginning or end of the paragraph from being left on a page by itself.
Set this attribute on for a paragraph if you want it skipped over by automatic or manual hyphenation. Atlantis will only hyphenate paragraphs whose "Do not hyphenate" attribute is set to off.
Accordingly, if you want to hyphenate a paragraph whose "Do not hyphenate" attribute has been set to on, you must first set this attribute off before launching automatic or manual hyphenation for that paragraph.
When this attribute is set, the paragraph's lines get entirely excluded from the document's line numbering.