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Atlantis Word Processor

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Folder Histories

Atlantis automatically keeps a record of the paths to folders you open documents from, or save documents to. These records are kept in dedicated "folder histories" giving you direct access to already used folders. In this way, you don't have to browse time and time again for folders buried deep down in your hard drive(s) file structure. All you have to do is pull down the Atlantis folders list and click the target folder name. Atlantis will automatically open the right folder for you. This will save you plenty of time and hassle, especially if you often open documents located in folders scattered throughout your disks.

The folders you recently opened documents from are naturally listed in the "Open Document" dialog:

Folder histories

The above dialog is displayed when you use the "File | Open..." menu The main menu or simply menu is a horizontal bar with clickable commands anchored to the top of the main window of Atlantis:

Main menu
command, or press the corresponding toolbar button or hot key.

The folders you recently saved documents to are naturally listed in the "Save Document As" dialog:

Folder histories

The above dialog is displayed whenever you use the "File | Save As..." menu The main menu or simply menu is a horizontal bar with clickable commands anchored to the top of the main window of Atlantis:

Main menu
command, or press the corresponding toolbar button or hot key. It is also displayed when you apply the "File | Save" command to a newly-created document not yet saved.

Note that the folders history kept in the "Open Document" dialog is completely separate from the one kept in the "Save Document As" dialog. These histories are specific to each dialog.

So each time you open or save a document in Atlantis, the document folder location is automatically added to the corresponding Folder History. You do not have to worry that these lists might become overlong: a special setting on the "General" tab in the "Tools | Options..." dialog allows you to restrict these lists to a maximum number of items:

Number of items in the histories

Type in a value or use the spin box on the right to set the maximum number of items that you want Atlantis to keep in these histories.

Now, as you might have noticed, these folder histories are followed by three additional commands:

Commands related to the folder histories

You will click "Remove Obsolete" in the above menu to clear the list of all the folder paths that are no longer present on your hard drive(s). You can also clear the list completely with the "Remove All" command.

Clicking "Edit History List..." displays a special dialog allowing you to manage these folder histories in a more detailed way:

The 'Edit Folder History List' dialog

You can press the "Add..." button to browse for a folder and add it manually to the current Folder History.

If you click to highlight a folder, you can then use the "Remove" button to remove the highlighted folder from the Folder History.

Now you might be happy with the current folder list as it is. You can then tell Atlantis to stop adding folder paths to the corresponding list. All you need to do is activate the "Locked" option in the "Edit Folder History List" dialog:

The 'Locked' box

When this "Locked" box is checked, no new items are automatically added to the Folder History when you open or save documents.

In this case, the Folder History works rather like a "favorite folders" list: you choose which folders you want to be offered in these folder histories when you open or save a document.

See also...