This version is a minor release adding improved support for systems with low resolution. Now the Atlantis dialogs that are too tall for a given low-resolution system, display with a vertical scrollbar allowing access to the dialog areas that would otherwise display outside the screen:

This version of Atlantis also introduces a new user interface language - Traditional Chinese.
You can switch to a different language of the user interface in two ways. You can run the setup file of the latest version of Atlantis and choose the interface language.
Alternatively, you can click the "Tools | Options..." menu command of Atlantis, and choose the interface language at the top of the Accessibility tab:

When switching to a different UI language, Atlantis may download the corresponding UI language pack from the Atlantis server. Atlantis automatically updates the activate UI language pack when the "Automatically check for updates and news at startup" option is checked on the General tab of the "Tools | Options..." dialog.
If you encounter any issues with the Chinese user interface of Atlantis, you can report them to the author of the Chinese UI language packs Terio Shang.
See more release notes.