To print the active document, click the toolbar button, or choose the "File | Print..." menu command, or press CtrlP.
You can print the desired range of pages, use page scaling, two-sided printing, print booklets, print 2 to 16 document pages per paper sheet and use a number of other options (for more information about these options please see the Help topic of the "File | Print" dialog).
Note: If you would like to print a text fragment of your document, select this fragment first, then call the "File | Print" dialog. The "Selection" box of this dialog will be enabled.
Normally, document page size and paper size should match. However, you can use the Actual paper size list box of the Atlantis File | Print dialog to specify a different size for the paper sheets effectively used for printing.
Specifying a correct size for the paper sheets actually used for printing is even more important with two-sided printing, and with booklet printing as a particular case of two-sided printing. For example, if you print a document as a booklet with wrong paper size settings, the resulting booklet sheets will probably not fold as intended.
By default Atlantis prints documents in the one-sided mode (a 10 pages document will print on 10 paper sheets). But if you want to save paper, or print a booklet, you can use the Two-Sided Printing feature of Atlantis. In this mode Atlantis will allow you to print a document on both sides of paper sheets. Atlantis can normally print documents in two-sided mode on any printer.
To enable two-sided printing, simply check the "Two-sided printing" box of the "File | Print" dialog. The first time you use two-sided printing, Atlantis will ask you to provide some information about your current printer. Simply follow the onscreen instructions, and answer a few questions about your printer.
Note: if you have multiple printers installed, each printer can have different two-sided options. When you close Atlantis, it memorizes the current two-sided settings for each installed printer.
Under the Two-Sided mode, printing is completely automatic if your printer is duplex, i.e. is able to print on both sides of a paper sheet without any human intervention. But most printers are not duplex. If your current printer is not duplex and you try to print a document in two-sided mode, you will have to follow the instructions displayed by Atlantis.
You can print either simple or compound booklets. Compound booklets are made up of a series of simple booklets.
Let's take a 16-page document as an example. Atlantis will print that document as a booklet on 4 paper sheets in the following way:
All that is left for you to do is to fold the printed pages along the median line.
Note that Booklet printing automatically uses Two-sided printing. Also 2 pages per sheet are used by default.
To print a document as a booklet, you must check the Print booklets box of the File | Print dialog.
To print a simple booklet, i.e. a booklet whose pages will be folded together at one go, you need to specify Max in the pages per booklet list box of the File | Print dialog:
Long documents can conveniently be printed as compound booklets (series of booklets). For example, a 128-page document can be printed as a series of 4 booklets. To achieve this, you need to specify that each booklet should have a maximum of 32 pages (128=4x32):
Atlantis will then print 4 separate booklets. The first booklet will include pages 1 through 32, the second booklet - 33 through 64, and so on. Each of these booklets has to be folded separately. Then the booklets must be bound together one way or the other (stapling, stitching, etc):
The above examples are concerned with ordinary booklets which use "2 pages per sheet side". But you can also print pocket-size booklets. Pocket-size booklets are printed with 4, 8, or 16 pages per sheet side.
The main difference between ordinary and pocket-size booklets is that if you select "4 (or more) pages per sheet side", you will need to cut the printed paper sheets first before folding. Let's take a booklet with 8 pages per sheet side as an example. The stack of printed pages would look in this way:
Before putting such a booklet together, the printed stack of pages must first be cut into smaller stacks along the printed lines as shown in the following picture (cut lines are shown in red color for demonstration purposes):
As a result, you are left with 4 stacks of smaller paper sheets:
The above 4 stacks can then be put together in the following way
in order to obtain a single stack:
This single stack can now be handled in the same way as ordinary (bigger) booklets with only 2 pages per sheet side. However note that there might be a few sheets with both sides blank at the bottom of the stack. Please remove them from the stack before folding.
As explained above about simple booklets, you can either fold the entire stack along the median line
or split the resulting stack of pages into a set of smaller stacks, each of which has to be folded separately (a so called compound booklet).
Notes. If the margins of your document are too small, it might not be printed completely. A number of areas might be clipped.
This will happen most typically when the document margins are smaller than the built-in margins of your printer. Most printers are unable to print text and graphics to areas of a paper sheet that are too close to its edges. To avoid this, please adjust the margins of your document appropriately (please refer to the documentation of your printer).
This might also arise when the document page size and the actual paper sheet size do not match. In this case you need either to use paper sheets of a suitable size, or use the page scaling option (please see Notes Regarding Paper Formats).
See also...