This version of Atlantis includes a number of changes to the Save as eBook feature, plus bug fixes and minor improvements. Please read on for details.
Automatic lists in eBooks
Automatic lists (both bulleted and numbered) are supported in Atlantis documents and eBooks. When Atlantis saves a document as eBook, it tries to save any automatic list from the source document to an automatic HTML list (using the HTML "ul" and "ol" elements).
Items of automatic lists in an Atlantis source document can be formatted in many different ways. Various indents, line spacing, paragraph alignments, etc. can be applied to list items. However, older versions of Atlantis did not save the formatting properties of these list items to eBooks. As a result, automatic lists in eBooks often looked very different from how they looked in the source documents.
Starting with this version, Atlantis will preserve most of the original formatting of automatic lists to eBooks. These automatic lists will now display in eReaders in much the same way as they do in the source document.
Formatting of element selectors
Any eBook file generated by Atlantis contains a CSS file with all the formatting patterns used to display the eBook contents. To make the eBook file more compact, Atlantis used to include the most common formatting properties found in the source document in the definitions of the element selectors of the eBook's CSS file. For example, when most paragraphs in the source document were center-aligned, Atlantis put the corresponding attributes in the definition of the "p" element selector in the eBook's CSS file:
p {text-align: center}
This approach was perfectly valid. It led to a cleaner CSS and HTML code. But some eReaders did not expect certain types of formatting to be specified for the CSS element selectors. For instance, they might ignore the paragraph alignment or indents specified within the definitions of the CSS element selectors. As a result, the eBooks generated by Atlantis would not display as intended on such eReaders.
In order to address this issue, this version of Atlantis no longer includes paragraph formatting attributes in the definitions of element selectors. Such formatting is included in more specific class selectors instead (".p1", ".p2", etc.).
Note-related options
The "Save as eBook" dialog of Atlantis now includes two new options that can be used to control how Atlantis saves note references to eBooks:
When "Number notes continuously" is checked, Atlantis ignores the numbering format used for the notes in the source document, and uses sequential numbering for the corresponding notes in the eBook. This option is on by default. Notes are not natively supported in EPUB eBooks. So continuous note numbering in eBooks is only natural because all the document notes are shifted together as ordinary text to the end of the eBooks. Notes in eBooks do not appear on the same pages as they appear in the corresponding source documents, so the original note numbering of the source documents rarely makes sense.
However, in some cases, the original note numbering format of a source document might need to be preserved in the corresponding eBook. You will uncheck the "Number notes continuously" option for this purpose.
Note reference marks are active areas in both the Atlantis source documents and the corresponding eBooks. This is to facilitate navigation between the note reference marks and the associated note texts.
But most note reference marks are often too thin to be easily tapped (activated) on the eReaders with smaller screens:
This is where the "Enclose note references in curly brackets" option comes in handy. When this option is checked, Atlantis puts an extra pair of brackets around the note reference marks to make them wider, and thus more easily tappable on eReader screens:
See more release notes.