This version of Atlantis is a minor release with a number of improvements and changes regarding pictures. Please read on for details.
Better support for image-rich documents
Previous versions of Atlantis had some difficulty processing documents containing many big pictures. This version of Atlantis lifts such limitation. You can now include as much graphic content in your Atlantis documents as you want.
The Info section in the "Picture" dialog
The pictures in your Atlantis documents are stored in one of the graphic formats supported by Atlantis. In most cases they are stored in the PNG or JPEG format, and more rarely in other graphic formats.
In this version of Atlantis, you can easily find out which graphic format is actually behind a picture by double-clicking it in the document window. Atlantis will immediately bring up the Picture dialog with detailed information about the graphic format involved:

This kind of information will come in handy in a number of cases:
- When the graphic file size appears to be overbig
you might choose to reduce its picture quality in order to bring down the overall document size.
- If the picture is a photo or is color-rich, and it is stored in other than the JPEG format, you might want to use a JPEG version of that picture instead. As a rule, JPEG pictures occupy less disk space than other formats. If your document contains a photo in the PNG format, replacing it with its JPEG version might significantly reduce the document file size.
Note that it is preferable to insert pictures through the Atlantis "Insert | Picture..." menu command or dedicated toolbar button. This is to make sure that the picture will be inserted in its original graphic format, be it PNG or JPEG. If you use the Copy/Paste method, the picture might not be stored in its original graphic format within the target document, and this might increase its weight needlessly.
- If the picture has too many pixels, this will obviously boost the overall document size, but it can also create problems in some cases. For instance, in a document meant for conversion to eBook, a picture with size 5000 x 4000 pixels will not display correctly on some eReaders. Accordingly, you might want to replace that picture with a resampled version containing less pixels.
Note that resizing pictures in Atlantis only zooms the original picture out. Atlantis does not resample the graphic file stored within the document file. If you insert a 1600 x 1200 pixels graphic file into a document, the graphic file in the document will still count as 1600 x 1200 pixels, no matter how much you resize the picture in Atlantis. If you want to resample a picture, you'll need to use a dedicated graphic editor.
- If you fear that the pictures in a document might occupy too much space, you can select the whole document, then bring up the "Format | Picture..." dialog. This will tell you which graphic formats are involved, and how much space they occupy:
Better pasting of images from Web browsers
The "Paste" command of Atlantis has been improved. Now when you right-click a picture on a Web page, choose the "Copy" command from the browser menu

then paste the Windows clipboard contents into Atlantis, in most cases Atlantis will store the original graphic file in the document. So if you right-click and copy a JPEG image from a Web page, Atlantis will paste the original JPEG file into your document as is.
See more release notes.