[Uncompleted] Italian User Interface

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[Uncompleted] Italian User Interface

Post by Diama »

Here is my italian translation.
If someone is familiar with the Italian language, can this translation test?
Create folder "lang" and extract in folder "it".
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by admin »

Sorry, but your pack is not ready for testing. It has tons of technical issues, some of which would make Atlantis crash.

It needs to be manually revised by a human according to the instructions from the "read me" file.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by Diama »

I have now manually reviewed the translation and no longer seems to have the initial problems.
I tested it in every way and there are no crash to malfunctions.
Now I can say that the translation is really good.
If there are Italian users interested, he urges them to try it and report any improvements.
Unfortunately, the author does not seem to appreciate this work.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by admin »

Sorry, but no one urged anyone to test your pack. The opposite is true: there is nothing to test.

You can create language packs of any quality for your personal use. However, in order to be included in the official repository, a language pack must meet certain quality standards.

When done properly, automatic translation can be the first step toward creating a language pack. After that, all the resource files from the pack must be thoroughly revised by a native speaker familiar with Atlantis and the text processing terminology. File by file. Line by line.

You have used the automatic tools to do the translation. And to be honest, you do not even need to be a native speaker to do this part. Nevertheless, the problems started at this first stage. You have not read the instructions from the “read me” file from the translation kit, and your automatic tools translated literally everything, including identifiers, “original” text and technical comments. As a result, the structure of most files from the pack has been ruined.

Let’s take item #140 from General.txt from the translation kit. Only the text highlighted in red was supposed to be translated:



;caption of the "Save" button




Now look at the corresponding item from your translated file:



;didascalia del pulsante "Salva".




Even if someone decided to revise your automatically generated file, this would be hard to do. How can one know that “Salva” is a correct translation if there is no original text for reference? The only way to make sure that your translation is correct is to open the original file and locate the resource in question. Which makes revising your files much harder. Maybe even harder than translating everything from scratch.

I am not recommending your pack not only for testing, but even for further revision by a human. Creating a brand new translation seems to be a better option. I am saying this because I have checked your pack and I know how few efforts have been put into its creation. There is not the smallest sign that your pack was revised by a human. I will give two more examples:

1. Right off the bat (or to be more correct, right from the pack) your “General.txt” tells everything about the quality of the pack. The first two items in the file (yes, with ruined original content):



;il nome dell'app (la versione completa)

;Atlantis Word Processor

Elaboratore di testi Atlantide


;il nome dell'app (la versione Lite)

;Elaboratore di testi Atlantis Lite

Elaboratore di testi Atlantis Lite


So how did you decide to translate “Atlantis” - as “Atlantide” or “Atlantis”?

2. I have encountered three (!) different translations of “Clippy Bank” in your files – “appunti”, “Banca Clippy”, and “Clippy Bank”.

The amount of ... issues in your pack is ridiculous.

The UI language pack cannot be created in a couple of hours and with such a level of negligence, especially if you do not stick to the instructions.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by Diama »

I have adjusted everything it was reported.
Technical issues, including identifiers, “original” text and technical comments, Atlantide, Clippy Bank, ...
Notify me if there are other problems.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by admin »

You do not seem to get my point.

I was not reporting mistakes in your files for you to fix. My examples were to demonstrate how poor the quality of your pack was (and still is).

You have just uploaded the 4th major revision of your pack still with tons of issues, with plenty of resource items that you have not even checked yourself. Do not even ask about the quality of your 1st edition that was completely unusable. OK, you clicked the “Translate” button. But who do you expect to fix this automatically created mess? It’s a mess. I do not speak Italian. But I can open any relatively long file from your pack, and I can spot issues even without understanding Italian. Just one random file “Events.txt”:

10000~Inizio di un "drag-drop-drop" ;EV_MOUSE_Dragging_Start
10020~Fine di un "drag-drop-drop" ;EV_MOUSE_Dragging_Drop
10080~Passa alla modalità "pennello formato" ;EV_MOUSE_FormatBrush
10100~Riduci in modalità lente di ingrandimento ;EV_MOUSE_MagnifyingGlass_Shrink
10120~Ingrandimento in modalità ingrandimento ;EV_MOUSE_MagnifyingGlass_Grow
12470~Avviso Caps & Num Lock ;EV_KEYBOARD_Caps_Num_Lock_Warning
2080~stampa documento ;EV_CMD_GENERAL_PrintDocument

Your latest revision is obviously better than the first version. But it is still of unacceptable quality. I believe that the Italian users deserve more than this.

As I have already suggested multiple times, all the files must be MANUALLY checked by a human. If you are not prepared to do this, there is no way for your pack to get into the repository. This task requires time. But there is no other way.

Here is what I would suggest. You can unpack the original translation kit into one folder, and your Italian pack into another folder. There is a great free utility WinMerge to compare the contents of two folders. Compare each file and make sure that all your translations are correct and consistent throughout the pack.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by Diama »

admin wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:30 am10000~Inizio di un "drag-drop-drop" ;EV_MOUSE_Dragging_Start
10020~Fine di un "drag-drop-drop" ;EV_MOUSE_Dragging_Drop
10080~Passa alla modalità "pennello formato" ;EV_MOUSE_FormatBrush
10100~Riduci in modalità lente di ingrandimento ;EV_MOUSE_MagnifyingGlass_Shrink
10120~Ingrandimento in modalità ingrandimento ;EV_MOUSE_MagnifyingGlass_Grow
12470~Avviso Caps & Num Lock ;EV_KEYBOARD_Caps_Num_Lock_Warning
2080~stampa documento ;EV_CMD_GENERAL_PrintDocument
I believe that now it is a acceptable quality.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by admin »

I am sorry, but automatically generated UI language packs will not be offered through the official repository. Please see my previous post.
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Re: [Test] Italian User Interface

Post by Diama »

I don't think you can appreciate the acceptability of the translation because you don't know Italian.
In addition, you has remained anchored to the initial bad impression and keep a firm prejudice.
In the end, you benefits of a respectable job without recognition.
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