German User Interface

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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by Moonlight »

Thanks to the users who created the additional UI language packs.

Concerning the German version, first of all a small grammatical correction:

In the drop-down lists
- "Choose language" in the window "Welcome to the [...] Setup"
- "User interface language" under "Accessibility"
[see images at ... _2_000.htm]
the correct expression should be "Deutsch" instead of "Deutsche".
("Deutsch" = "German" is the language itself, "deutsche" is an adjective, e.g. "deutsche Sprache" = "German language")

Moreover, I think that the switching from the default UI language (English) to a different one - at least when performed according to the second method (via Tools -> Options -> Accessibility) - needs some additional explanations in the "Help" section. Finally I succeeded in switching from English to German, but I missed some steps in the Help. (Perhaps later I will describe in more details what I mean.)
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by admin »

The authors of the French and German UI language packs asked to remain anonymous. But big thanks anyway.

This typo will be corrected in any next release of Atlantis.

Please let us know if you notice any other issues with the language pack.

Thank you.
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by Moonlight »

Moonlight wrote: Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:14 am Finally I succeeded in switching from English to German, but I missed some steps in the Help. (Perhaps later I will describe in more details what I mean.)
Things are much easier than I thought at the beginning. :D

Just to be sure:
When downloading the user interface pack, the folder "Lang" is created automatically (if it does not already exist) and the language pack is saved there also automatically as a zip-file (e.g. "")? And I can leave this file there as it is, that means: I do not need to unzip it?

If these assumptions are correct, I think no further explanations in the Help are necessary. Just two proposals:

Perhaps in the future the page about the language packs ("Atlantis Word Processor in your language" / ... _packs.htm) should consist of two parts:

- In a first part the explanations how to download/install an (already existing) language pack respectively how to switch to the different language (= the information which currently can be found in the release notes for version 4.4.2 / ... _2_000.htm).

- In a second part the information about creating a new language pack (= the contents that currently is written in the paragraphs beginning with "In order to create a new language pack for the Atlantis interface, ...").

(It seemed that at the beginning I mixed up the aspects of downloading translation kit and downloading language pack and therefore possibly made some mistake.)

I was not sure if all was done correctly and how to continue after allowing the download via the window "Would you like to download the [e.g.] German user interface pack?"
It would be helpful if after the correct download of the pack a confirmation popped up like "Downloading was successful. Click 'OK' to continue." or even directly a window: "Downloading was successful. Atlantis needs to be restarted [...]" plus the buttons "OK" / "Cancel".
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by admin »

You do not need to create the “Lang” folder, manually download or unpack anything. Atlantis automatically creates the “Lang” folder and downloads the language pack.

When the “Tools | Options...” dialog cannot download the language pack, it displays the corresponding message.

The Web page with the translation kit is for those who want to help with creating new UI language packs for Atlantis, not for users of the language packs.
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by Moonlight »

Notif.en+dt.jpg (138.41 KiB) Viewed 10921 times
I found some strange wording in the notification about the Backup Files tool - both in the German translation, but also in the English one (see the picture above):

Already in the English version it seems that enabling the "Backup Files tool" and enabling the "Backups Files" (themselves) is used in the same meaning (see the first three sentences of the notification). But for grammatical reasons, I think that in the third sentence the word "tool" must be added - otherwise the word "is" (= singular) is not correct. (Moreover by adding the word "tool" the sentence makes more sense: Enabling the backup tool makes possible the creation of backup files.)

The German translation of the mentioned part of this sentence is grammatically correct: "Wenn die Sicherungsdateien aktiviert sind ..." = "When the backup files are enabled ..." ("sind" = "are").
But in case that the english sentence is changed to "Backup File tool", the German translation should be modified in the same sense (---> "Wenn das Backup-Tool aktiviert ist ...")

The last sentence in the German translation ("Klicken Sie hier, um ...") makes grammatically no sense. This has to do with the above mentioned (non-)distinction between "Backup Files tool" and "Backup Files".

I think, I need not explain the details as the German translator will see it anyway. :wink:

To my mind the translation should simply be:

"Klicken Sie hier, um das Backup-Tool zu aktivieren und anzupassen."

- "Backup-Tool" instead of "Sicherungsdateien"
- And of course removal of the last word "Werkzeug" (= "tool").
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by admin »

I think the English text is OK. The "Backup Files" is used here as a proper name (a feature name).

The author of the German UI pack encouraged the German-speaking users to report issues with the language pack. But he will not be available for comment until the end of the year.
To my mind the translation should simply be:

"Klicken Sie hier, um das Backup-Tool zu aktivieren und anzupassen."
This has been corrected. Thanks.

The UI language packs are much easier to update than the program itself. Just let Atlantis check for updates (keeping the "Automatically check for updates and news at startup" option checked on the General tab of the "Tools | Options..." dialog is a good idea). If there is a new version of the active UI language pack on the server, Atlantis will automatically download it after a restart. So, if the "Automatically check for updates ..." option is on in your copy of Atlantis, all you need to do to get the updated UI language pack is to launch Atlantis with the German UI pack selected, wait for a few seconds, close Atlantis, and run it again.
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Re: Atlantis Word Processor in your language

Post by Moonlight »

O.k. Thanks.
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Re: German User Interface

Post by admin »

Version 4.4.3 adds support for custom toolbar button images in the UI language packs. For instance, the German language pack includes the button images for the “Bold” and “Italic” commands:

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Re: German User Interface

Post by Moonlight »

A small suggestion adressed to the author of the German translation (I will write it nevertheless in my poor English so that visitors who don't speak German can read it too):

In the English language obviously there is a distinction betweeen "dash" and "hyphen". This distinction is also made in Atlantis.

- "Dash" in German is something like "Bindestrich", "Gedankenstrich" etc. (in various forms). E.g: "die deutsch-französischen Beziehungen" or: "Ich fahre - wie schon im vergangenen Jahr - nach Italien."
- "Hyphen" seems to be "Trennzeichen", "Abteilungszeichen" etc. (concerning the word break at the end of a line).

It seems to me that in your German translation the word "Bindestrich" is used for both English terms. At least I saw it for the command "Insert optional hyphen". Presently it is translated as: "Fügen Sie einen optionalen* Bindestrich ein".

I think this should be changed to something like: "Fügen Sie einen optionalen* Trennstrich ein" (or to something similar like: "... ein optionales Trennzeichen" / "... ein optionales Abteilungszeichen").

*) or perhaps better: "bedingten" (s. e.g.

By the way, this option could be expressed a little bit shorter (and more in the same way as other commands):
Instead of "Fügen Sie Zeichen XY ein" perhaps simply: "Zeichen XY einfügen"

PS: Danke für die gute Übersetzung der Programmoberfläche. :D
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