Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

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Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by patr »


I have an extensive document in which I'm using curly brackets { } to add commentary and notes to the existing text. I'm using different font sizes for the curly bracket notes in various places. It doesn't matter that they are curly or other brackets (or parentheses), I'm just forced to use curly brackets to distinguish my text from the original text which already uses parentheses and square brackets.

Example: "In this {particular} sentence of the document {a .docx document in 12pt} various animals are listed."

I want to change the font size of the curly brackets and what is contained within them - either one word or a sentence - but not the font size of the rest of the text in the document.

How do I achieve this? I can select the font size in the "format" section and enter the starting and ending curly bracket, but I can't seem to figure out which wildcards to use to change the font size of the text within the curly brackets. The problem is, the document is more or less finished but I'm having to retroactively change the font size of the curly bracket entries (containing either single words or sentences) that are currently in 12pt font. I'm wanting to change all the curly bracket entries that are 12pt to 11pt font.
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Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by patr »

To ask another way: which wildcards indicate either a word or a sentence (words with spaces between them)?

For example: "In this sentence I only want to change the font size of this text: {yes, only this text within curly brackets} but I don't know which wildcards to use."
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Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by Robert »

Find what=\{|[!^p]{0,}|\}
Replace with=Font Format 11 pts
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Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by Robert »


Find what=\{[!^p]{0,}\}
Replace with=Font Format 11 pts
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Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by patr »

Thank you! I will test that as well.

Before you replied I had found:


[ ... theses.htm]

This seems to work correctly also. Given your knowledge, does that sequence of wildcards look like it should work correctly as well?
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Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by Robert »

Both should work.
Posts: 82
Joined: Fri May 06, 2016 8:05 pm

Re: Change font size of any sentence encased in (12pt) curly brackets

Post by patr »

Thank you for your help.
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