Autocorrect entries lost (again)

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Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

I posted earlier about Autocorrect entries not loading when AWP starts (viewtopic.php?t=2581).
I was told to rename the .ini file, and start again. That worked because entries were read from registry (I have close to 10K entries in French).

But I was warned the registry would not contain those entries any longer in 4.2.1+. The .ini file was supposed to keep them however "When you close Atlantis 4.2.1+, it always saves settings to the .ini file".

That's no longer the case, it appears. I start AWP, and entries are not in the .ini file. I rename .ini, start again, and they are not loaded either.

So, how does this work?

I'm using on Windows 7 and would appreciate help on this.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by admin »

But I was warned the registry would not contain those entries any longer in 4.2.1+.
This is not correct. In the future, Atlantis will not attempt to load settings from the Registry in cases when there is no Atlantis.ini file. But this does not mean that Atlantis removes anything from the Registry.
Note that uninstalling Atlantis does remove the Registry data generated by Atlantis (including older versions of Atlantis).

When there is no Atlantis.ini file under the "User files" folder of Atlantis, the latest version of Atlantis still checks the Registry for settings generated by an older version of Atlantis. If the following key is unavailable in your Registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atlantis Word Processor\Autocorrect
there is no AutoCorrect data in your Registry.

Sorry, but I really cannot say what happened to your INI file.

Losing the configuration file of Atlantis is usually not a big deal. But if the file was so important to you, why you never created a backup copy, preferably on a USB stick or memory card? What would you do if, for example, your main disk failed?
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

Autocorrect entries are still in the registry indeed (I hadn't checked that earlier), but they don't get loaded after renaming .ini and starting AWP.

I do have a backup, which I can load, but I added a number of entries since it was made, and I was hoping to recover those as well.

All was working fine until recently (I haven't upgraded my APW version). A few days ago, I ran Autocorrect and noticed entries were not there, so I looked at the .ini file, and entries were in it (file size 212K). I exited APW and restarted. AC entries were still not in, and this time they were not in the .ini either (file size 10K). Why is that ? It feels like a problem occurred.
I then renamed the .ini, restarted, but entries were not loaded.

As mentioned, I have close to 10K entries, which I believe is unusual. Isn't it what could cause malfunction?
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

I need to recuperate autocorrect entries that are in the registry, since it contains newer ones I don't have in my backup.

Can you please suggest the best way to do that. Should I downgrade to an earlier AWP version which still loads setting from registry? Or is there a simpler way?

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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by Robert »

I don’t know if you’ll manage to restore your AutoCorrect entries. But here is something you could do in the future to make sure your AutoCorrect entries are never lost. I have been using this method for years myself. It involves saving your Atlantis settings manually to a custom INI file and systematically launching Atlantis with these custom settings. In this way, whatever happens to the default “Atlantis.ini” file won’t impact your own custom INI file.

1. In Atlantis, click "Tools | Options..."
2. At the bottom of the Options dialog, click the "Save to File..." button.
3. Save your current settings to "C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\Atlantis" (for example). You can use any suitable folder on your system. Give these settings a custom name like "MyAtlantisSettings.ini" (for example).
4. Create a Windows Taskbar or Desktop shortcut to launch Atlantis with the following command-line:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlantis\awp.exe" /dss /sfn "C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\Atlantis\MyAtlantisSettings.ini"
The "dss" switch means "DontSaveSettings". Atlantis won't save settings on close. The settings Atlantis got launched with will be preserved AS IS. Your AutoCorrect entries will remain as they were at launch.
The "sfn" switch instructs Atlantis to use the INI file specified on the command-line. In this case, your custom INI file, i.e. "MyAtlantisSettings.ini".
"C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\Atlantis\" is the folder where you decided to save your custom Atlantis INI file.
In this way, you'll systematically launch Atlantis with your custom settings and Atlantis won't interfere with them automatically.

Now at times you might want to make changes to your AutoCorrect entries or to your Atlantis settings in the Options dialog. Make these changes, but don't forget to save your changes yourself manually before you close Atlantis. For this, open the "Tools | Options..." dialog, and click the "Save to File..." button. Of course, you'll save your custom settings to your special custom file ("MyAtlantisSettings.ini").The next time you launch Atlantis through your special shortcut, it will load all of your new custom settings with the old ones.

Note that you can also back up your custom INI file to a USB key or any backup device.

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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

Thanks for the advice.

My AutoCorrect entries are continuously evolving while I'm using AWP. I should then back up the .ini file (or save the AutoCorrect file) each time I'm done with a session. This is not convenient, but if it's the way to save the accrued corrections I'll do it.

It still seems to me that the software, so reliable in other ways, should offer more protection against loss (now that the registry doesn't play that role any longer). How about an option to automatically backup the .ini file when exiting?
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by admin »

There is no limit regarding maximum number of the “replace with” items in the AutoCorrect. But of course, it is better to keep the number reasonable.

I do not know what settings are still present in your Registry, what is in your backup INI file, and what items are missing. But the latest version of Atlantis still checks for any old settings in the Registry when there is no Atlantis.ini file under the “User files” folder of Atlantis. The French AutoCorrect “replace with” pairs are supposed to be stored under this Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atlantis Word Processor\Autocorrect\12\RplcTxt

If this key is available in your Registry, and “Count” is non zero, the corresponding “replace with” pairs could be retrieved by Atlantis. Just close all running instances of Atlantis, rename the Atlantis.ini file from the “user files” folder of Atlantis, and launch Atlantis again.

If you still cannot retrieve data from the Registry, you can use the “File | Export” command of the Registry Editor to save the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atlantis Word Processor\Autocorrect” key to a.reg file, and email it to

Another note. You should avoid running multiple instances of Atlantis concurrently (multiple Atlantis buttons on the Windows Taskbar). When you make changes to the Atlantis settings in one instance of Atlantis, those changes get applied only to that instance of Atlantis. In other words, each instance of Atlantis has its own instance of Atlantis settings. When you close multiple instances of Atlantis, each of them saves its current settings to the INI file. As a result, only the settings of the last closed instance of Atlantis get actually kept in the INI file.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

Thanks for the comprehensive response.

I never run more than 1 AWP instance.

Something must have gone wrong yesterday because today, after renanming the .ini file, and starting AWP again, autocorrect entries were loaded from registry.

Why so many entries? I write in French on a US keyboard and words that require accents are automatically replaced with proper accented versions. For all my programs I use AutoHotkey. It's very fast, substitutions occur nearly instantaneously. Except on AWP. On AWP, you can see the unaccented word being erased from right to left. Then the accented word is put in, also slowly. This is a distraction when writing.
On the other hand, APW AutoCorrect is instantaneous.
I therefore ended up (years ago now) copying all my 10K AHK substitutions into an AutoCorrect file, which is indeed long.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

Have a look at the following pages:
How to automatically backup files & folders on Windows 11/10 computer
2 Easy Ways to Backup Specific Folders in Windows 10
Robert: Thanks for the links. I use Windows 7, but I see there are external software that could be used for automatic backup.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JPh1 »

Nice, Thanks.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JR »

Some, but not all, Atlantis updates reset my AutoCorrect Options (including Smart space management and Replace text) to default. When going from to this did not happen, but when going from to this did happen. This has been happening off and on for many updates over many months.

I now check my AutoCorrect settings with every Atlantis update, reloading my customized settings from file when necessary, but it's a nuisance.

I use an up-to-date version of Windows 11 Home.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by admin »

There are no AutoCorrect-related changes in 4.4.x releases.

Atlantis stores its settings in a file (Atlantis.ini). What do you mean by “reloading my customized settings from file”? What is that file? If it is an INI file, how old is it?
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JR »

admin wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:50 pm There are no AutoCorrect-related changes in 4.4.x releases.

Atlantis stores its settings in a file (Atlantis.ini). What do you mean by “reloading my customized settings from file”? What is that file? If it is an INI file, how old is it?
The AutoCorrect Options dialog has a Save To File... option that saves current settings to a plain text file, which can be retrieved/restored using the Load From File... option. I saved my settings a few months ago when I first noticed the problem. There is also a Restore To Default... option that may be getting inadvertently triggered.

Update: Atlantis just reverted back to its default AutoCorrect settings the last time I opened it, no update or installation involved, so Atlantis is losing my custom settings when opening or closing the program ... but only sometimes. I'll check out Atlantis.ini and troubleshoot later … when I have time.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by admin »

I suppose your copy of Atlantis is not portable.

Do you run multiple copies of Atlantis concurrently?

Atlantis stores its AutoCorrect settings in the INI file. Do you manually modify or replace the Atlantis.ini file?

You can always open the Atlantis.ini file with a plain text editor, and examine the “[AutoCorrect\NN]” sections to make sure your AutoCorrect data is there.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JR »

admin wrote: Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:33 pm I suppose your copy of Atlantis is not portable.

Do you run multiple copies of Atlantis concurrently?

Atlantis stores its AutoCorrect settings in the INI file. Do you manually modify or replace the Atlantis.ini file?

You can always open the Atlantis.ini file with a plain text editor, and examine the “[AutoCorrect\NN]” sections to make sure your AutoCorrect data is there.
I use a single, normal (non-portable) installation of Atlantis and do not manually modify the Atlantis.ini file. I did a thorough uninstall/re-install of Atlantis two days ago and the problem hasn't popped up again. If it pops up in the future, I'll check Atlantis.ini and do some proper troubleshooting at that time.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JR »

Atlantis continues to lose my changes to "Replace text" and "Smart space management" on a seemingly random basis. (I make only a dozen or so changes.) I can sometimes go several days without a problem, but other times the problem will crop up multiple times per day.

The same problem exists on two separate computers—one with Windows 10, one with Windows 11—and it occurs with installed or portable versions of Atlantis. I’ve done clean installs of various versions of Atlantis, from to, but the problem exists in every case … even when using factory settings. I tried disabling my antivirus software (thinking that might be interfering with Atlantis), but that didn’t help.

The problem never crops up in the middle of a given session, only after closing and then opening Atlantis. Atlantis automatically modifies Atlantis.ini every time the program is closed, and it appears as though Atlantis is erasing my AutoCorrect changes from Atlantis.ini at this point … but only sometimes.

Addendum: I’ve found that if I simply close and open Atlantis four or more times in quick succession, the problem will always appear. Perhaps you’ll be able to reproduce the problem doing the same.

Addendum 2: As you’d expect, changing Atlantis.ini to a Read-only file prevents Atlantis from making/saving unwanted changes to Replace text and Smart space management upon closing the program—of course, it also prevents Atlantis from making/saving wanted changes to other settings and options upon closing the program.
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by admin »

I cannot reproduce this on my system. Can you email your Atlantis.ini file containing your "complete" AutoCorrect settings to
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Re: Autocorrect entries lost (again)

Post by JR »

admin wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:36 am I cannot reproduce this on my system. Can you email your Atlantis.ini file containing your "complete" AutoCorrect settings to
Done/sent. I'm currently using Atlantis on my primary computer, and that's the Atlantis.ini file I sent. I have Atlantis on my old computer; if you need Atlantis.ini from that, I'll send it.
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