Slow to start

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Slow to start

Post by lynneconnolly »

AWP is taking a very long time to start. I have the latest version, and keep half a dozen tabs open, none of them complex. Any idea what is happening?
Lynne Connolly
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Re: Slow to start

Post by admin »

When you launch Atlantis, is it displaying the “loading document...” progress bar in the left bottom corner of the window?

Now, you can close those open documents, close Atlantis, and launch it again. If there is no more delay at startup of a document-less Atlantis, the delay was caused by one of your document files. It would not be hard then to find out which document file creates a delay.

If closing the documents did not help, you could choose the “Tools | Factory Settings...” menu command of Atlanatis, and launch a test copy of Atlantis with factory settings. If a test copy launches without a delay, please email the “Atlantis.ini” file from “My documents\Atlantis” to
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Re: Slow to start

Post by lynneconnolly »

thank you so much, that helped a lot!
Lynne Connolly
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