Absolutely dismayed at the use of AI-Image Generation for Atlantis

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Absolutely dismayed at the use of AI-Image Generation for Atlantis

Post by jjjonah »

I like Atlantis Word Processor--I like that it has collapsible headings, that it doesn't have a subscription model, the many useful features it has for formatting and exporting. There's so much I like about it because it doesn't seem interested in the growth-at-all-costs model that modern tech companies push.

Now, I use Atlantis for a lot of personal writing work, but I am mainly an artist. I liked recommending Atlantis to friends specifically because it is so detached from the giant tech companies and services while offering many similar useful features. But I am also, mainly, an artist, and as an artist, I am deeply offended by the gleeful usage of AI-Image Generation software to build up a brand on Atlantis's main website.

Look, much has been written about the ethical nature of popular image-gen models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, etc. All that data was scraped from the work of artists without their consent. And what's more, AI-generated images are polluting the internet with fake images, text, and content. Any software that willingly uses this tech to promote itself is, in my opinion, software that I can no longer trust. Are you going to be implementing AI features into the core program now, AI features that nobody asked for, nobody likes, and nobody wants? I was rooting for Atlantis as an independent software free from the shackles of obnoxious tech trends, but if this software decides to follow said tech trends, then it has lost at least one loyal customer.
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Re: Absolutely dismayed at the use of AI-Image Generation for Atlantis

Post by admin »

There is no AI assistant in Atlantis Word Processor. And there are no plans to add one.

You may also wish to check out this article:
https://www.atlantiswordprocessor.com/e ... safety.htm

We all may have different views on how a Web site should be designed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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Re: Absolutely dismayed at the use of AI-Image Generation for Atlantis

Post by patr »

I am sure the Atlantis Team would not mind reviewing artists' work donations regarding their website graphics. In fact, that's not a bad idea for an initiative. There would have to be some coordination among contributors so that some cohesion can be achieved. But that may be a cool idea. And like you mention, Atlantis is not a big corp which may be the reason why it is harder to have a team of graphic artists on employ.

AI is tempting, and very soon almost impossible to get away from in some form or other (probably already is). I kind of do understand the "pickle" you're in when thinking of promoting Atlantis to other artists and having to direct them to a website that has AI-generated graphics. I'd say it's a perspective not many have thought about yet, but when you're immersed in a field you tend to see the issues clearly whereas others may not. And like you indicated, the AI vs artist thing is hot right now. It's true that AI scrapes existing work and compiles huge datasets of people's work. Perhaps in image-based stuff this stands out more than, say, in language or math or other areas, even though it is going on everywhere.

It's a crazy time right now in the world. On the one hand we want "free" but on the other hand subscribe (consciously or not) to economic models that are truly horrendous and inherently drive the Earth to the brink of destruction. Some people think Elon Musk is a savior, while other think he's no more than a dark priest invoking the end of civilization. I must confess I fall more in the latter category :) But thanks for sharing your perspective, it was kind of eye-opening to me in one way. In another way it quickly led me to apply some relativism and arrived at a lot of deeper issues like the insane oligarchical money system, and how contribution is measured, etc. Thanks.
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Re: Absolutely dismayed at the use of AI-Image Generation for Atlantis

Post by admin »

It's interesting how Elon Musk figures into this topic. :)
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