Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
I hadn't used Atlantis for a few days. I was playing a game when Microsoft Defender suddenly detected a Trojan in Atlantis and moved its files to quarantine.
Applies to items:
file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlantis\awp.exe
file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Atlantis Word Processor.lnk
startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Atlantis Word Processor.lnk
Applies to items:
file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atlantis\awp.exe
file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Atlantis Word Processor.lnk
startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Atlantis Word Processor.lnk
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
This is a false positive.
Atlantis has never contained Trojans. All versions of Atlantis are 100% clean and safe to use: ... d01c0fe5c0
I have just checked the executable file of the latest version of Atlantis with Windows Defender (all updates installed) under both Windows 10 and Windows 11. No threat was found.
Atlantis has never contained Trojans. All versions of Atlantis are 100% clean and safe to use: ... d01c0fe5c0
I have just checked the executable file of the latest version of Atlantis with Windows Defender (all updates installed) under both Windows 10 and Windows 11. No threat was found.
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
The problem was with version I restored the deleted files and updated to the latest version.
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
OK. But as I said, all versions of Atlantis are 100% clean. This was a false positive.
Windows 10 Defender has detected a virus/trojan
With Defender downloading the latest update today it deleted awp.exe (version I whitelisted the Atlantis folder per Microsoft instructions and Defender still deleted Atlantis. I left a comment on Microsoft's web site that their instructions did not work for Atlantis Word Processor. I have reverted back to version which launched with no problems. I hope this may be of help to anyone else who has a problem with Windows Defender,
Atlantis 4.4
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Cannot install. Trojan in Atlantis
With Defender downloading the latest update today it deleted awp.exe (version I whitelisted the Atlantis folder per Microsoft instructions and Defender still deleted Atlantis.
Re: Windows 10 Defender has detected a virus/trojan
Me too. I cannot install Atlantis Word because With Defender downloading the latest update today it deleted awp.exe (version
Re: Windows 10 Defender has detected a virus/trojan
There is nothing malicious about Atlantis Word Processor. It has never contained viruses or Trojans. It is safe to install and use.
This is a false positive. Unfortunately this sometimes happens. The antiviruses are not perfect.
We have submitted this false positive to Microsoft.
This is a false positive. Unfortunately this sometimes happens. The antiviruses are not perfect.
We have submitted this false positive to Microsoft.
Re: Windows 10 Defender has detected a virus/trojan
Agreed that it's safe. However, even the free version will be detected and removed/quarantined. I'll give it a couple of days and try to reinstall.
Windows 11 Home in my instance.
Windows 11 Home in my instance.
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
Just to bring this to a close, it appears Defender has been updated and it is allowing me to use AWP without issue.
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
Microsoft updates the definitions of Defender multiple times a day.
As always, if an antivirus detects viruses or Trojans in Atlantis (no matter the version of Atlantis), it simply does a poor job.
As always, if an antivirus detects viruses or Trojans in Atlantis (no matter the version of Atlantis), it simply does a poor job.
Re: Microsoft Defender has detected a trojan
Most AV software, Defender apparently not excluded, work on a "guilty until proven innocent" principle - a piece of software gets 'heuristically' flagged as malware and quarantined just because it "might possibly" do something weird (usually by accessing OS features most users aren't aware of).
It happens all too often to me too, sometimes even with totally harmless software written by myself.
It brings to mind the story of that lady who wanted to sue a gentleman for rape because he possessed the necessary equipment
It happens all too often to me too, sometimes even with totally harmless software written by myself.
It brings to mind the story of that lady who wanted to sue a gentleman for rape because he possessed the necessary equipment