Windows sound triggered

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Windows sound triggered

Post by patr »

Hi, since the last couple of versions, when I start Atlantis, then go to a menu dropdown or look at "about" or anything like that, once I get out of the menu or click outside/off, it triggers a Windows sound. I hope you guys can reproduce this. For example, I start up Atlantis, go to the Tools menu up top, get out of it by clicking on any part of the Atlantis UI like title bar or anywhere, it triggers a Windows sound. Or, just hover over "Help" in menu bar op top, and then hover away to a different area. After that, it doesn't do it anymore until I restart Atlantis again.

EDIT: I use Win11 23h2 and use the portable install option of Atlantis.
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Re: Windows sound triggered

Post by admin »

Maybe it is a notification sound. Is there a red bell icon in the status bar.?
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Re: Windows sound triggered

Post by patr »

Yes, it does appear to be caused by that. Is there a general way to turn off those notifications altogether, or does one have to uncheck all the boxes under optional notifications? I just prefer the old behavior.
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Re: Windows sound triggered

Post by admin »

You cannot disable the Notifications feature altogether. You can, however, toggle off individual notification types as you get them. There are not many notification types in Atlantis at this point. You can also disable the "Notification" sound through the "Tools | Customize | Sounds..." dialog. In any case, it is a good idea to pay attention to these notifications because they can include important information.
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Re: Windows sound triggered

Post by patr »

I see. I will keep the Notifications on, but disable the sound. Verified, that was the issue. Thank you for the info!
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