I have modified my Normal.rtf concerning font size (12 instead of 11)* and line spacing (1.5 lines instead of Single)**.
*)(Format --> Font --> 12 --> Default)
**) (Format --> Paragraph --> 1.5 lines --> Default)
Both is applied correctly when creating a new rtf document.
Moreover I created a new default table applying automatically the properties of a table which already exists (in a rtf-file).
I did it in the way described in the Atlantis Help (https://www.atlantiswordprocessor.com/e ... eating.htm --> end of the Chapter "Default table properties"):
Right click into the existing table --> Table properties --> Default
The existing table has (also) a lince spacing of 1.5 lines (and a font size of 12).
After this within a new document (always rtf) a new table in general seems to be created correctly (that means as the existing one).
But there is at least one important formatting detail which is not applied: Line spacing within the table is not 1.5 lines but Single. (Outside the table the line spacing is correct.) (Font size 12 is correct too both inside and outside the table.)
Wrong line spacing in tables
Re: Wrong line spacing in tables
In version, the “Default...” button of the “Table Properties...” dialog will also put the paragraph formatting of the selected table in the table defaults.
Re: Wrong line spacing in tables
That's fine. Thank you.