How to shorten a Heading n?

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How to shorten a Heading n?

Post by Alan »

Is there a way to shorten the heading displayed in a Table of Contents to less than the whole heading paragraph?

Is my only option to split the paragraph in two with the first part being the actual Heading 3 that I want displayed?

I am looking for the reduction of complexity in my documents that currently use an ‶invisible″ heading of 1 point font, white font color.

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Re: How to shorten a Heading n?

Post by admin »

Splitting the heading paragraph into a “Heading N” paragraph and a non-“Heading N” paragraph is not a bad solution.

Can you post a sample long heading that you would need to display in the TOC only partially?
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Re: How to shorten a Heading n?

Post by Alan »

Hi admin,
I don't have an example for splitting a heading as I gave that as the only solution I could think of other than the current ‶invisible″ heading I use. This idea came about after doing numerous bookmarks then switching to an anthology where I was restructuring the headings, so I had the bookmark default of giving the text to the end of the sentence or the limited number of characters available in my head while looking at placements of headings at top of pages and whether that was necessary. In particular I was looking at the invisible ‶Last paragraph″ heading I now use before every last paragraph in a book as it makes it easy to get to the end of a book in an ePub. I did not expect what I asked about to be possible, but since I had spent an hour or more playing with a heading made from a random single line paragraph to see if I could find a way to have it shorten in the Control Board Headings I decided to post before I dropped the idea.

Atlantis 4.4
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
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