Periods (...) don't repeat/

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Periods (...) don't repeat/

Post by harolnick »

I love Atlantis, but for some reason I can only type a single dot/period). Then it stops. And I continue with only a single dot. This isn't a keyboard glitch (the same problem with other keyboards) or other word processor glitches (other word processors type endless dots) , or Windows problem (emails and other docs are fine) So I have to type three dots (...) on email and copy into the Atlantis doc. Hardly a tragedy (compared to the state of the world these days). But any solutions?
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Re: Periods (...) don't repeat/

Post by harolnick »

P.S. Yes, in options, I can do an automatic replacement (I write aaa, and replace it with ...),but that leaves a space after the word. With no other solution, that would have to suffice. But...well, maybe there's a real solution.
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Re: Periods (...) don't repeat/

Post by admin »

You can type as many periods in a row as you wish, at least under the default settings of Atlantis.

Do you have any custom “replace with” items within your AutoCorrect settings?

What if you uncheck the “Autocorrect as you type” box in the “Tools | AutoCorrect Options...” dialog?
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Re: Periods (...) don't repeat/

Post by harolnick »

Yep, I'd done everything you suggested. It would normally be a keyboard error, but the dot problem works with other programs. And another keyboard did the same thing. My best bet is auto replace: In this case replace "aaa" with "..." That leaves a space between the word and the first dot, but I guess I can deal with that. In the meantime, thanks/
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Re: Periods (...) don't repeat/

Post by admin »

Do you mean that you have unchecked the “Autocorrect as you type” box in the “Tools | AutoCorrect Options...” dialog, and still cannot type more than one period?

Could you email your Atlantis.ini file from “My documents\Atlantis” to
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