Free Online Proofreader

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Free Online Proofreader

Post by Robert »

The writers and students among you might be interested by the Free Online Proofreader available at PaperRater.
Here is what PaperRater provides:
About Paper Rater is a free resource that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to help students write better. Our Paper Checker technology combines Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Computational Linguistics, and Data Mining to produce the most powerful automated proofreading tool available on the Internet today. is used by schools and universities in over 100 countries to help students improve their writing and check for plagiarism. It has been our mission to offer tools that are both powerful and accessible to users regardless of income.
As part of the development process, we put together a team of computational linguists and subject matter experts to develop a core Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine using statistical and rules-based NLP to extract language features from essays and robustly translate that into statistical models. The end product is a state-of-the-art system combining Automated Grammatical Error Detection, Automated Essay Scoring, Automated Proofreading, and plagiarism detection.

What makes us different?
We’ve tried out similar websites and found them to be out of touch with most writers’ needs. We found false-positive rates as high as 50% on grammar detection. As the Hippocratic Oath encourages medical doctors to “first do no harm”, we wanted to create tools that do not muddy the waters in the process of assisting with the craft of writing. These same websites require hefty payments for the use of their services, while our goal has always been to provide tools that are universally accessible. By ‘accessible’, we mean that our tools are free and not hidden behind signups, logins, and trial offers.

Plagiarism checker
In addition to our free online grammar check, we offer a free plagiarism detector that utilizes the massive indexes of the major search engines.

Vocabulary Builder
Besides our flagship product, we also offer a premiere Vocabulary Builder tool designed to help students learn proper usage of more sophisticated words. Learning a new word with just a definition was always a frustrating experience when growing up, so we solve this problem by integrating example sentences to show the correct usage of each word in a real context...
Note that there are fees for a Premium version with more features.
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